Why Choose BetterMerge?

Gmail Integration

BetterMerge (previously Mailway Mail Merge) is directly integrated with Gmail. It sends your email campaigns from your Gmail or Google Workspace account to achieve higher deliverability.

Google Sheets Integration

BetterMerge (previously Mailway Mail Merge) can be installed as a Google Sheets add-on. You can send your email marketing campaigns directly from Google Sheets using your Gmail account.

Install the Google Sheets add-on Read getting started guide

Privacy-first Design

BetterMerge app requires minimum permissions to run. By default, the app cannot read your emails.

Send up to 2000 emails per day

Send up to 2000* emails per day (60000* emails per month) from your Gmail account.

Eligible Google Workspace users (on Business plan) can send up to 2000 emails per day.

Read more about quotas

Personalize individual emails based on data from Google Sheets to give every email a personal touch.


Add attachments (e.g. pdf, word, excel, powerpoint files) to your emails.

Personalized attachments is coming soon.

Rich Template Editor

Use the built-in rich template editor to compose your email templates easily in WYSIWYG or HTML mode.

Contact List Segmentation

Easily segment your contact list on Google Sheets using built-in Google Sheets features.

If you want to skip some rows, simply hide those rows and no emails will be sent to those recipients.

The rule: Email will be sent only if the row is visible.

Track Email Interations

Track email opens, link clicks, unsubscriptions, bounces* & replies* in real time directly from Google Sheets.

Bounce & reply tracking is coming soon.

Read how to track email open & click rates

CC and BCC Recipients

Easily add cc and bcc recipients to the emails. Useful for integrating with third-party tools.

Add Unsubscribe Link

Add unsubscribe link to the emails to comply with CAN-SPAM and other anti-spam rules.

It's simple: just enable the Track Unsubscribes checkbox and an unsubscribe link will be added to the emails automatically.

Preview Emails Before Sending

Preview individual emails before sending to make sure that you are sending the perfect email.

Schedule campaigns

Schedule your email campaigns for peace-of-mind email delivery at your preferred date and time in future.

Send Emails with Throttling

Achieve hyper-targeted email delivery. Precisely control email delivery rate , delivery days , delivery time and also control the delay between consecutive email delivery.

Remember the mantra: slow and steady wins the race.

Ready to increase your email delivery rates?

BetterMerge provides the tools you need to achieve higher delivery rates and reduce bounces.